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coremltools: how to properly use NeuralNetworkMultiArrayShapeRange?

I have a PyTorch network and I want to deploy it to iOS devices. In short, I fail to add flexibility to the input tensor shape in CoreML.

The network is a convnet that takes an RGB image (stored as a tensor) as an input and returns an RGB image of the same size. Using PyTorch, I can input images of any size I want, for instance a tensor of size (1, 3, 300, 300) for a 300x300 image.

To convert the PyTorch model to a CoreML model, I first convert it to an ONNX model using torch.onnx.export. This function requires to pass a dummy input so that it can execute the graph. So I did using:

input = torch.rand(1, 3, 300, 300)

My guess is that the ONNX model only accepts images / tensors of size (1, 3, 300, 300). Now, I can use the onnx_coreml.convert function to convert the ONNX model to a CoreML model. By printing the CoreML model's spec description using Python, I get something like:

input {
  name: "my_image"
  type {
    multiArrayType {
      shape: 1
      shape: 3
      shape: 300
      shape: 300
      dataType: FLOAT32
output {
  name: "my_output"
  type {
    multiArrayType {
      shape: 1
      shape: 3
      shape: 300
      shape: 300
      dataType: FLOAT32
metadata {
  userDefined {
    key: "coremltoolsVersion"
    value: "3.1"

The model's input must be a multiArrayType of size (1, 3, 300, 300). By copying this model to XCode, I can see while inspecting the model that my_name is listed under the "Inputs" section and it is expected to be a MultiArray (Float32 1 x 3 x 300 x 300). So far, everything is coherent.

My problem is to add flexibility to the input shape. I tried to use coremltools with no luck. This is my problem. Here is my code:

import coremltools
from coremltools.models.neural_network import flexible_shape_utils

spec = coremltools.utils.load_spec('my_model.mlmodel')

shape_range = flexible_shape_utils.NeuralNetworkMultiArrayShapeRange()
shape_range.add_height_range((64, 5000))
shape_range.add_width_range((64, 5000))
flexible_shape_utils.update_multiarray_shape_range(spec, feature_name='my_image', shape_range=shape_range)
coremltools.models.utils.save_spec(spec, 'my_flexible_model.mlmodel')

I get the following spec description using Python:

input {
  name: "my_image"
  type {
    multiArrayType {
      shape: 1
      shape: 3
      shape: 300
      shape: 300
      dataType: FLOAT32
      shapeRange {
        sizeRanges {
          lowerBound: 3
          upperBound: 3
        sizeRanges {
          lowerBound: 64
          upperBound: 5000
        sizeRanges {
          lowerBound: 64
          upperBound: 5000

Only 3 ranges as specified, which makes sense since I only defined a range for channel, height and width, but not for the batch size. In XCode, I get the following error when inspecting the flexible CoreML model:

There was a problem decoding this CoreML document
validator error: Description of multiarray feature 'my_image' has a default 4-d shape but a 3-d shape range

I'm pretty sure it was working on another project when I was on macOS X Mojave, but at this point I'm sure of nothing.

I'm using:

  • macOS X Catalina
  • conda 4.7.12
  • python 3.7.5
  • pytorch 1.3.1
  • onnx 1.6.0
  • onnx-coreml 1.1
  • coremltools 3.1

Thanks for the help


  • Easiest thing to do is to remove that shape:1. Something like this:

    del spec.description.input[0].shape[0]

    Now the default shape should also have 3 dimensions.

    However, I would suggest changing the type of the input from multi-array to an actual image. Since you're going to be using it with images anyway. That will let you pass in the image as a CVPixelBuffer or CGImage object instead of an MLMultiArray.