Is there a way to create a venn diagram in R from a count table like this one? A has in total 8 elements, of which 5 are shared with B; 5 are shared with C; and 3 are shared with D. Among these, 4 are shared between A, B and C; 2 between A, B and D; and so on. Looking at the existing packages (limma, VennDiagram), it looks like they are not designed to deal with this sort of table.
group n_elements
A 8
B 8
C 9
D 7
A+B 5
A+C 5
A+D 3
B+C 6
B+D 4
C+D 4
A+B+C 4
A+B+D 2
A+C+D 2
B+C+D 3
A+B+C+D 2
You can do this with my package eulerr. You just have to put your results in a named numeric vector. Consider the following example. (Below I have constructed an area-proportional euler diagram, but if you want a venn diagram just call venn()
group <- c("A", "B", "A&B")
n_elements <- c(8, 8, 9)
names(n_elements) <- group
res <- euler(n_elements)
Created on 2020-01-09 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)