I am having an issue that seems most closely related to this one, but while that poster achieved resolution the same things are not helping on my system:
systemd error "failed to start service: unit service is not loaded properly: exec format error"
My Ubuntu machine is joined to our domain, and I can "id john.doe" and get a valid lookup from AD. I do not have to specify the domain because in my /etc/sssd/sssd.conf file I have "use_fully_qualified_names = False".
I have tried both true and false and neither of them seem to give me a means of resolution.
First, I edit my .service file and set
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start servicex.service
The service starts.
I then edit my service file and change the user to john.doe. Save the file, reload the daemon, and start the service. I get
Failed to start servicex.service: Unit servicex.service is not loaded properly: Exec format error.
See system logs and 'systemctl status servicex.service' for details.
Failed: failed to start servicex.service
systemctl status servicex.service returns:
● servicex.service - servicex
Loaded: error (Reason: Exec format error)
Active: inactive (dead) since Thu 2020-01-09 13:34:47 UTC; 15s ago
Process: 5060 ExecStart=/v/runsvc.sh (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 5060 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
journalctl -u servicex.service does not show any new entries
journalctl does not show any new entries.
Is this a permissions issue, owner issue?
Going through each of the folders of the service by doing "ll -R" shows (typical excerpt):
drwxr-xr-x 2 john.doe domain users 4096 Jun 15 2016 ./
drwxr-xr-x 8 john.doe domain users 4096 Jun 15 2016 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 john.doe domain users 29597 Jun 15 2016 CHANGES.md
-rw-r--r-- 1 john.doe domain users 1092 Jun 15 2016 LICENSE
This is typical of all of the files in that sub-folder tree.
How can I run this service as the domain user?
I have found the issue and a work-around. Please feel free to post better solutions if there are any.
The issue here is that the domain user has a "." in the middle of it. "john.doe". After trying out putting bogus values in the user field I noticed that I started getting a different error message specifically saying that the account was bad.
There had to be some reason why using "john.doe" did not give me the same messages as using "johnbogus". In fact, "john.bogus" and "john.doe" return the same error, but "johnbogus" and "john.doe" return different error messages.
On this basis I assumed that the service user field is not being parsed correctly. So I requested an account for our domain with no "." in it. That account installs and works perfectly.
I'll consider an additional answer a better answer if someone finds a means of quoting, or escaping "john.doe" so that it will work properly. I tried merely putting double quote marks around it ", but that had no effect.