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How do I reproject a raster image in geoTiff format in python?

I want to reproject a raster image that is given as a geoTiff file into another coordinate system. The map is in WGS84-Pseudo-Mercator.

But when I run the following code I only get a white image as my output raster. How can I fix this?

import rioxarray

rds = rioxarray.open_rasterio("path_to_raster.tif")
crs = "EPSG:4978" # this depends on the exact projection you want to use
projected ="path_to_enu_raster.tif")


  • Well I found a solution by trial and error. This code works for germany:

    from osgeo import gdal
    filename = "berlin.tif"
    input_raster = gdal.Open(filename)
    for epsg in ["EPSG:4839", "EPSG:3068", "EPSG:25833"]:
        gdal.Warp('output_raster' + epsg + '.tif', input_raster, dstSRS=epsg)