I'm getting "ref() got an unexpected keyword argument 'ignore_security_error'" when using ignore_security_error=1 with Blpapi. I have some bad tickers in my list i want to ignore using ignore_security_error=1 but getting an error. tc3 is a ticker list generated from a .csv file.
M2= con.ref(tc3,["PX_LAST","CONTRACT_VALUE","CHG_PCT_1YR","CHG_PCT_6M","CHG_PCT_3M","CHG_PCT_1M","FO211","MARKET_SECTOR_DES","ID_BB_COMPANY"],ignore_security_error=1)
any one else having this problem?
In [1]: from xbbg import blp
In [2]: tc3 = ...
In [3]: flds = [...]
In [4]: m2 = blp.bdp(tickers=tc3, flds=flds).dropna(how='all')
Reference: xbbg