I've tried to give access to an Active Directory external user (with Guest type). ADLS2 enables to use of such users for RBAC or ACL tables.
But when I tried to access ADLS2 as a guest user from the Power BI service I've got an error: "The credentials provided for the AzureDataLakeStorage source are invalid.":
Failed to update data source credentials: The credentials provided for the AzureDataLakeStorage source are invalid. (Source at https://hasodl2westeurope.dfs.core.windows.net/mycontainer/samplefolder.)
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Activity ID: 269cbc1b-c50a-4078-a408-6f64246d0a19
Request ID: caabe243-c75a-5507-1610-88cc41b19ae6
Status code: 400
Time: Thu Jan 09 2020 12:27:37 GMT+0200 (Eastern European Standard Time)
Service version: 13.0.11747.315
Client version: 1912.2.031
Cluster URI: https://wabi-west-europe-b-primary-redirect.analysis.windows.net/
Is this behavior a bug or a feature?
Is a way to access ALDS2 as a Guest user?
ADLS only supports AD users from the same tenant, not guest users - source.