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Test Spring startup with spock

I am currently trying to test the application to start up correctly when a property is set. Basically a test of the configuration and autowiring. I do NOT want to execute any bean, just want to start up the system.

My attempt with groovy 2.5.8 and spock 1.3-groovy2.5:

@SpringBootTest(classes = [Application], properties = ["property.enabled=true"])
class IntegrationTest extends Specification {

  def "Service starts up with property enabled"() {

Unfortunately I get the following compile error:
Error:(23, 5) Groovyc: Exception conditions are only allowed in 'then' blocks

Does anybody have an idea how else I can achieve this test?


  • Removing noExceptionThrown should help. This should work:

      def "Service starts up with property enabled"() {
        expect: "All beans are created"