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Pass data to Vue.js component

I'm facing an issue with passing data to a vue component.

The .cshtml file looks like this:

@using Newtonsoft.Json;

    var myString = "Hello world";
    var myJsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model);

<div id="gallery">
    <Gallery my-jsonprop="@myJsonData" 
             my-text="Hello world" 

...and the Gallery.vue component something like this:

        <p>{{ test }}</p>
        <p>{{ myJsonProp }}</p>
        <p>{{ myJsonProp2 }}</p>
        <p>{{ myText }}</p>
        <p>{{ myText2 }}</p>
        <p>{{ myText3 }}</p>

    export default {
        name: 'Gallery',
        props: {
            myJsonprop: {
                type: Object,
                required: true
            myJsonprop2: {
                type: Object,
                required: true
            myText: {
                type: String,
                required: true
            myText2: {
                type: String,
                required: true
            myText3: {
                type: String,
                required: true
        computed: {
            test() {
                return "Foo bar"

...and finally my main.js looks like this:

import Vue from "vue";
import Gallery from "../Gallery.vue"

new Vue({
    el: '#gallery',
    render: h => h(Gallery)

But neither of the properties is passed to the component, while the computed value of test is being displayed. Am I missing something?


  • So after excessive research, I've figured it out myself. It seemed that my webpack.config.js was missing on crucial thing for using single file components:

    resolve: {
        extensions: [".ts", ".tsx", ".js", ".js", ".vue", ".json"],
        alias: {
            'vue$': 'vue/dist/vue.esm.js',
            '@': path.join(__dirname, "dist")

    This resolved it for me entirely!