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Write Junit test case for Spring Retry max atttemps

I would like to write a junit test case for spring retry, i tried like the below, but the junit is not working as expected. I am calling MaxAttemptRetryService.retry method, if it fails, it has to try for max 3 times. Here, Dao is calling a rest service, that is down, hence it should go trying for maximum 3 times. hence dao.sam method must be called 3 times.

Service Class:

public class MaxAttemptRetryService {   
    public String retry(String username) throws Exception {
        System.out.println("retry???? am retrying...");
        int h = maxAttemptDao.sam();
        return "kkkk";

Dao class:

public class MaxAttemptDao {
    public int sam() throws Exception{
            new RestTemplate()
                    String.class, "");
        }catch(Exception e){
            throw  e;
        return 0;

Test class:

public class HystrixServiceTest {

    private MaxAttemptRetryService maxAttemptRetryService = new MaxAttemptRetryService();

    private MaxAttemptDao maxAttemptDao;

    public void ff() throws Exception{
        verify(maxAttemptDao, times(3)).sam();


  • @EnableRetry and @Retryable annotations should be processed by spring that is supposed to generate a proxy on-the-fly in runtime out of the DAO. The proxy will add the functionality of retry.

    Now when you're running a test, I don't see that it runs spring at all. You mentioned that you're running Spring Boot, but you don't use @SpringBootTest. On the other hand you also don't specify the configuration to load the class from (@ContextConfiguration annotation on HystrixServiceTest class)

    So I conclude that you don't initialize spring correctly and it can't process the @Retry annotation correctly as a result.

    Additional things that seem wrong to me:

    You should use @MockBean (if you start spring properly in the test) so that it won't just create a @Mock (for which you need a mockito runner BTW) but will create a mock spring bean and register it in an application context effectively overriding a standard bean declaration.

    I think you should do something like this:

    public class HystrixServiceTest {
      @Autowired // if everything worked right, you should get a proxy here actually (you can check that in debugger)
      private MaxAttemptRetryService maxAttemptRetryService;
      private MaxAttemptDao maxAttemptDao;
      public void ff() throws Exception{
          verify(maxAttemptDao, times(3)).sam();