I have an api set up on Google Cloud Functions (https://europe-west1-myproject-name.cloudfunctions.net/api/v1/ical.ics). This works well, but I wish to set up a "friendly" domain name for the api. :)
According to Googles documentation this is seems easy, but it does not seem to work for cloud functions outside the USA, eg. europe-west1.
I have updated the firebase.json
file with the below code according to documentation.
"hosting": {
"public": "public",
"ignore": [
"rewrites": [
"source": "/api/**",
"function": "api"
"source": "**",
"destination": "/index.html"
When accessing https://myproject-name.web.app/api/v1/ical.ics I get redirected to https://us-central1-myproject-name.cloudfunctions.net/api/api/v1/cal.ics with error 403 and the below error message.
Error: Forbidden
Your client does not have permission to get URL /api/api/ical.ics from this server.
I must be overlooking something really basic here, since this seems like a really easy operation? :)
Kind regards /K
As stated in the documentation (see blue text block):
If you are using HTTP functions to serve dynamic content for Firebase Hosting, you must use us-central1.
You will also find a similar warning in the doc you refer to in your question about "Serve dynamic content and host microservices with Cloud Functions" (See blue text block as well):
Firebase Hosting supports Cloud Functions in us-central1 only.