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Spinnaker services are not starting up after HTTPS configuration

I've followed spinnaker HTTPS configuration as per

After that spinnaker services echo, front50 and igor are not starting up properly, getting below output.

kubectl get po -n spinnaker
NAME                                READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
spin-clouddriver-5cd79d98d6-bhd4s   0/1     Evicted            0          3h34m
spin-clouddriver-5cd79d98d6-srnwl   1/1     Running            0          9m54s
spin-deck-5bd984bd9c-cx6xn          1/1     Running            0          3h34m
spin-echo-84848bfc46-2hwml          0/1     Running            219        17h
spin-echo-866c54bb8d-p4qbs          0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   37         3h34m
spin-front50-686f577f79-xld6d       0/1     Running            218        17h
spin-front50-988ccc789-662kn        0/1     Running            39         3h34m
spin-gate-5954b6cd88-rzqmd          1/1     Running            0          3h34m
spin-igor-5c8bd8c694-lr7z6          0/1     Running            226        17h
spin-igor-fd97cd9f6-q5wfs           0/1     Running            41         3h34m
spin-orca-546d5685dc-wswkj          1/1     Running            8          3h34m
spin-redis-58d4d69d77-st4bk         1/1     Running            0          29d
spin-rosco-fd6f6596d-2ht9r          1/1     Running            0          3h34m

Echo service

kubectl describe po -n spinnaker spin-echo-84848bfc46-2hwml

Warning  Unhealthy  5m35s (x1648 over 18h)  kubelet, aks-agentpool-30093549-vmss000015  Readiness probe failed:

Front50 service

kubectl describe po -n spinnaker spin-front50-988ccc789-662kn

Warning  Unhealthy  77s (x866 over 3h51m)  kubelet, aks-agentpool-30093549-vmss000014  Readiness probe failed: wget: can't connect to remote host ( Connection refused

Igor service

kubectl describe po -n spinnaker spin-igor-fd97cd9f6-q5wfs

Warning  Unhealthy  17m (x558 over 3h52m)    kubelet, aks-agentpool-30093549-vmss000015  Readiness probe failed: wget: can't connect to remote host ( Connection refused

Front50 logs stops after "Scanning for api listing references" and then restarts

2020-01-09 09:29:11.974  INFO 1 --- [           main] o.s.s.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor  : Initializing ExecutorService 'applicationTaskExecutor'
2020-01-09 09:29:20.526  INFO 1 --- [           main] d.s.w.p.DocumentationPluginsBootstrapper : Context refreshed
2020-01-09 09:29:20.894  INFO 1 --- [           main] d.s.w.p.DocumentationPluginsBootstrapper : Found 1 custom documentation plugin(s)
2020-01-09 09:29:22.149  INFO 1 --- [           main] s.d.s.w.s.ApiListingReferenceScanner     : Scanning for api listing references

Echo service logs shows, it fails because can't connect to front50 service

Caused by: Failed to connect to spin-front50.spinnaker/ipAddress:8080

Similarly Igor service logs shows, it fails because can't connect to echo service

Caused by: Failed to connect to spin-echo.spinnaker/ipAddress:8089

I tried to increase liveness probe hal config deploy edit --liveness-probe-enabled true --liveness-probe-initial-delay-seconds 180 but still same.

Other front50 service logs are, not sure if related

2020-01-09 09:37:32.066  INFO 1 --- [           main] i.g.r.utils.RxJava2OnClasspathCondition  : RxJava2 related Aspect extensions are not activated, because RxJava2 is not on the classpath.
2020-01-09 09:37:32.067  INFO 1 --- [           main] i.g.r.utils.ReactorOnClasspathCondition  : Reactor related Aspect extensions are not activated because Reactor is not on the classpath.

Spinnaker is connected to Azure storage properly as it requires for front50 service. When I do hal config storage azs I get the response of configured storage

+ Get current deployment
+ Get persistent store
+ Successfully got persistent store "azs".
AzsPersistentStore(storageAccountName=xxx, storageAccountKey=xxx, storageContainerName=xxx)

Please advise. Thanks.


  • I've again increased --liveness-probe-initial-delay-seconds to 600 sec and then it started working.