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Holoviews charts sharing axis when combined and outputted

I'm using Holoviews to construct a dashboard of charts. Some of these charts have percentages in the y axis where as others have sums/counts etc. When I try to output all the charts I have created to a html file, all the charts change their y axis to match the axis of the first chart of my chart list.

For example:

  • Chart 1 is a sum, values go from 0 to 1000
  • Chart 2 is a %
  • Chart 3 is a %

when I combine these charts in holoviews using:

  • Charts = Chart 1 + Chart 2 + Chart 3

The y axis of charts 2 and 3 become the same as chart 1.

Does anyone know why this is happening and how I can fix it so all the charts keep their individual axis pertinent to what they are trying to represent.

Thank you!


  • This happens when the y-axes have the same name.
    You need to use option axiswise=True if you want every plot to get its own independent x-axis and y-axis.

    There's a short reference to axiswise in the holoviews FAQ:

    Here's a code example that I've checked and works:

    # import libraries etc.
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import holoviews as hv
    from holoviews import opts
    # create some sample data
    df1 = pd.DataFrame({
        'x': np.random.rand(10), 
        'y': np.random.rand(10),
    df2 = pd.DataFrame({
        'x': np.random.rand(10) * 10, 
        'y': np.random.rand(10) * 10,
    # set axiswise=True so that every plot gets its own independent x- and y-axis    
    plot1 = hv.Scatter(df1).opts(axiswise=True)
    plot2 = hv.Scatter(df2).opts(axiswise=True)
    plot1 + plot2

    Or alternatively you can do:

    plot1 = hv.Scatter(df1)
    plot2 = hv.Scatter(df2)
    (plot1 + plot2).opts(opts.Scatter(axiswise=True))

    If this doesn't work when you try my code example, you may have to upgrade to the latest version of holoviews. This can be done as follows:
    Install the latest git versions of holoviews, hvplot, panel, datashader and param