I am using Antd Table in my react js project. I have a table with pagination set to 10 entries per page. my problem is when I click on the second page I see the serial number starts again from 1 instead of 11. its not in order. here is my code.
function createColumns(view, edit, remove, activate) {
return [
title: 'S NO',
key: 'sno',
width: '20px',
render: (text, object, index) =>return index + 1
rowKey={obj => obj.id}
pagination={{ pageSize: 10 }}
locale={{ emptyText: 'No data found' }}
I have tried the solutions provided in the comment of this github issue but it didn't work. what am I missing here?
The index
field referred here is relative to the data currently rendered, so it will always start from 0 on a new page. To improvise and fit your situation, you can store the current page number and use it to change the index
const [page, setPage] = React.useState(1);
return (
onChange(current) {
render={(value, item, index) => (page - 1) * 10 + index}