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settings for VNC viewer on win-10 to remote desktop (Win-10) by using a raspi as proxy gateway

I'm trying to access my remote desktop (win-10) from my laptop (win-10) using Raspi-3 as a proxy gateway. I've installed tiger VNC on the remote desktop. I can access it directly from my laptop by using VNC viewer but I got stuck while accessing the remote desktop by using a proxy server. What additional setup or changes do I need to get it? Do I need to make some changes in Squid files or need to give some additional permission to Raspi?


  • Edit the Squid conf file (/etc/squid/squid.conf)-->

    acl safe_ports port 5900

    # 5900 is default port used by VNC viewer

    http_access allow safe_ports

    in VNC viewer's proxy--> use 3128 port for diverting traffic through proxy # 3128 is default port used by Squid