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Javascript: How to convert and map an object containing objects into an array?

In Javascript, how to map and convert this object:

    0: {k1 : v1},
    2: {k2 : v2}

to this array:

        label: k1,
        value: v1
        label: k2,
        value: v2

obs.: one-liners are nice, but all answers are welcome.

I couldn't get the desired result, but I have blindly followed formulas like:

const objectMap = (obj, fn) =>
      ([k, v], i) => [i, fn(v, k, i)]
const cfieldsFinal = objectMap(modcf, (k, v) => ({
  label: v,
  value: k

and that's ALMOST what I need, except, it's still an object:

output => {0: {label: k1, value: v1}, 1: {label: k2, value:  v2}}

So, only a complete noob such as myself would get stuck on this part...


  • You're very close, you just need to construct the object manually. Start by using Array.values() to convert data to an array. Iterate the array with Array.flatMap() to flatten the sub-arrays create by the internal map. Convert each object to an array of [key, value] pairs. Map each pair, and create an object.

    const data = {0: { k1: 'v1' }, 2: { k2: 'v2' }}
    const result = Object.values(data) // convert data to an array
      .flatMap(o => // map to a flattend array
        Object.entries(o) // get the entries of each object 
          .map(([label, value]) => ({ label, value })) // create a new object from each entry