I am creating a vsix project where I need to add some custom errors in Error List window. Now I am stuck in IServiceProvider
. What it contains and why I need this and how I can get this? In my code, I need to initialize with a service provider. How can I do this? Following is code :
internal class ErrorListManager
public static ErrorListProvider errorListProvider;
public static void Initialize(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
errorListProvider = new ErrorListProvider(serviceProvider);
public static void AddError(string errorMsg) {
AddTask(errorMsg, TaskErrorCategory.Error);
private static void AddTask(string errorMsg, TaskErrorCategory category)
errorListProvider.Tasks.Add(new ErrorTask
Category = TaskCategory.User,
ErrorCategory = category,
Text = errorMsg
Please help. I am a beginner for C# and VSIX. Thanks!
To write something in VS Error List you need to use ErrorListProvider. In my implementation, I inherit from ErrorListProvider and implement my own behavior for "ErrorWindowController". The code looks like this (read the code comments for more information):
public class ErrorWindowController : ErrorListProvider
#region Constructor
/// <summary>
/// Instance Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="aServiceProvider"></param>
public ErrorWindowController(IServiceProvider aIServiceProvider) : base(aIServiceProvider)
#region Public Methods
// Use this to add a collection of custom errors in VS Error List
public void AddErrors(IEnumerable<ErrorModel> aErrors)
foreach (ErrorModel error in aErrors)
ErrorTask errorTask = new ErrorTask
ErrorCategory = error.Category,
Document = error.FilePath,
Text = error.Description,
Line = error.Line - 1,
Column = error.Column,
Category = TaskCategory.BuildCompile,
Priority = TaskPriority.High,
HierarchyItem = error.HierarchyItem
errorTask.Navigate += ErrorTaskNavigate;
// Remove all the errors from Error List which are depending of a project and this specific project is closed
// Or remove all the errors from Error List when the VS solution is closed
public void RemoveErrors(IVsHierarchy aHierarchy)
for (int i = Tasks.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
var errorTask = Tasks[i] as ErrorTask;
aHierarchy.GetCanonicalName(Microsoft.VisualStudio.VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, out string nameInHierarchy);
errorTask.HierarchyItem.GetCanonicalName(Microsoft.VisualStudio.VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, out string nameErrorTaskHierarchy);
if (nameInHierarchy == nameErrorTaskHierarchy)
errorTask.Navigate -= ErrorTaskNavigate;
// Remove all the errors from the Error List
public void Clear()
#region Private Methods
// This is optional
// Add navigation for your errors.
private void ErrorTaskNavigate(object sender, EventArgs e)
ErrorTask objErrorTask = (ErrorTask)sender;
objErrorTask.Line += 1;
bool bResult = Navigate(objErrorTask, new Guid(EnvDTE.Constants.vsViewKindCode));
objErrorTask.Line -= 1;
The ErrorModel is very simple:
public class ErrorModel
#region Properties
public string FilePath { get; set; }
public int Line { get; set; }
public int Column { get; set; }
public TaskErrorCategory Category { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public IVsHierarchy HierarchyItem { get; set; }
Happy Codding!