I would like to use Stackdriver monitoring to watch for my GKE nodes' CPU/mem % usage.
However, when going through the Stackdriver Monitoring UI, there does not seem to be any such option available (meaning in terms of percentage).
On the other hand there seem to be for example 2 extremely similar metrics (their description is identical) for (what appears to be) absolute mem usage. (screenshots attached).
Is anyone aware how one can provide for percentage of memory and CPU used on GKE nodes? (not containers)
per https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/api/metrics_kubernetes :
and node/cpu/allocatable_utilization
seem to be doing what you want:
- [BETA] Memory allocatable utilization
or non-evictable
. Evictable memory is memory that can be easily reclaimed by the kernel, while non-evictable memory cannot.node/cpu/allocatable_utilization
- [BETA] CPU allocatable utilization.
Both metrics are marked as BETA
, though.
original answer mentioned: container/cpu/limit_utilization
and container/memory/limit_utilization