I'm trying to make an excel export via maatwebsite/excel, but I keep getting the following error:
C:\Users\<My Laravel project directory>\vendor\phpoffice\phpspreadsheet\src\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Html.php:592
public function loadIntoExisting($pFilename, Spreadsheet $spreadsheet)
// Validate
if (!$this->canRead($pFilename)) {
throw new Exception($pFilename . ' is an Invalid HTML file.');
My Controller:
return Excel::download(new ContractsExport($contracts, $active), 'solic_contrat_' . date('d-m-Y') . '_' . time() . '.xlsx');
My export file:
namespace App\Exports;
use App\Contract;
#use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\FromCollection;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\Exportable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\View\View;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\FromView;
class ContractsExport implements FromView
use Exportable;
protected $contracts;
protected $active;
public function __construct($contracts = null, $active = null)
$this->contracts = $contracts;
$this->active = $active;
public function view(): View
$contracts = $this->contracts;
$active = $this->active;
return view("exports.contracts", compact("contracts", "active"));
The blade template:
<th><b>Apellido Paterno</b></th>
<th><b>Apellido Materno</b></th>
<th><b>Fecha de inicio</b></th>
<th><b>Fecha de término</b></th>
<th><b>Causal de contratación</b></th>
<th><b>Tope del causal</b></th>
<th><b>Lugar de trabajo</b></th>
$k = 0;
@foreach ($contracts as $contract)
<td>{{ $k }}</td>
<td>{{ $contract->rut }}</td>
<td>{{ $contract->f_lname }}</td>
<td>{{ $contract->m_lname }}</td>
<td>{{ $contract->name }}</td>
<td>{{ $contract->search->position->name }}</td>
$startdate = new \Carbon\Carbon($contract->search->start_date);
<td>{{ $startdate->format('d/m/Y') }}</td>
$enddate = new \Carbon\Carbon($contract->search->date);
<td>{{ $enddate->format('d/m/Y') }}</td>
<td>{{ $contract->search->causal_service }}</td>
@case('Reemplazo por motivo de licencia médica')
@case('Reemplazo por motivo de vacaciones')
<td>Sin tope de días</td>
@case('Proyecto nuevos y específicos')
$date = $contract->search->start_date;
echo '<td>' . date('d/m/Y', strtotime($date. '+ 180 days')) . '</td>';
@case('Trabajos urgentes')
@case('Evento extraordinario')
@case('Aumento ocasional')
$date = $contract->search->start_date;
echo '<td>' . date('d/m/Y', strtotime($date. '+ 90 days')) . '</td>';
<td>{{ $contract->search->address }}</td>
<td>Por Aprobar</td>
<td>En Proceso</td>
<td>Estado no permitido</td>
And the result (laravel-excel-k5R8qyVIzkH8X0m5YwHyC2IOznrThvdk):
Solicitudes de Contrataciones
<th><b>Apellido Paterno</b></th>
<th><b>Apellido Materno</b></th>
<th><b>Fecha de inicio</b></th>
<th><b>Fecha de término</b></th>
<th><b>Causal de contratación</b></th>
<th><b>Tope del causal</b></th>
<th><b>Lugar de trabajo</b></th>
<td>Ejecutivo de Ventas</td>
<td>Trabajos urgentes</td>
<td>Esperanza 77, Santiago</td>
<td>En Proceso</td>
<td>Evento extraordinario</td>
<td>Apoquindo 4000, Las Condes</td>
<td>Por Aprobar</td>
<td>Evento extraordinario</td>
<td>Apoquindo 4000, Las Condes</td>
<td>Por Aprobar</td>
There must be something I'm missing from the Laravel-excel documentation, but right now I'm just walking in circles.
Thanks in advance to anyone who wishes to help me
I found the solution for the problem:
My .blade.php
file was saved with codification UTF-8 with BOM.
Saving the view with codification UTF-8 solved the issue.