I get the comments in an HTML document by XPath
$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$comments = $xpath->query('//comment()');
foreach ($comments as $comment)
echo $comment->nodeValue.PHP_EOL;
How can I get the next HTML element in this loop from $comment
You could alter your XPath expression to use the following-sibling
axis and say pick up the first node after the comment...
$comments = $xpath->query('//comment()/following-sibling::*[1]');
If you need the comment and the next node, you can first get the comment and then use XPath relative to that comment to fetch the following node...
$comments = $xpath->query('//comment()');
foreach ($comments as $comment)
echo $comment->nodeValue.PHP_EOL;
$next = $xpath->query("following-sibling::*[1]", $comment)[0];
echo $next->nodeValue.PHP_EOL;