According to the Datasheets of AVR Microcontroller, as well as the Datasheet of the Instruction Set from the AVR architecture, certain instructions, for example ADD
, can fetch 2 operands stored in the GP-Registers during only 1 Clock transition to the ALU. The Instruction-Word for the ADD
instruction includes 2 addresses for GP-Registers; each 5 Bit wide, one for destination/source and one for source. But how is this implemented on a Hardware Level? Wouldn't the 5 Bits for the 2 Register interfere with each other as they are trying to access the GP-Register through the same Direct Addressing Bus?
Multi-ported register files are widely used in CPU designs. As wikipedia says:
Modern integrated circuit-based register files are usually implemented by way of fast static RAMs with multiple ports.
A quick google search found some slides with some gate / transistor level details about a multi-ported SRAM cell, and block diagrams of how to build a register file out of that.
This is not at all unique to AVR. Pipelined RISC CPUs in general are designed around executing (at least) 1 instruction per clock when nothing stalls, with the register file handling 2 reads + 1 write per cycle. e.g. MIPS and other classic 5-stage RISC pipelines. AVR is just an 8-bit version of those ideas.
@Margaret Bloom pointed out that multi-ported register files aren't the only implementation strategy. Given AVR's slow clock speed, the register file could be single-ported and simply clocked faster.
Modern superscalar CPUs have even wider register files.
For example, ( Intel Skylake can sustain a throughput of reading at least 7 GP-integer registers per clock cycle, and at the same time write 3 registers in the same clock cycle. (And write FLAGS 3 times, thanks to register renaming breaking the WAW (write-after-write) hazard. Although this doesn't really count as separate; uops that produce a register and a FLAGS output can use the same physical register entry to hold both. The RAT keeps track of what comes from where.)
(Different loops can easily write 4 registers per clock cycle on modern Intel; the experiment I linked was mainly testing how many register reads I could get per clock, and unfused-domain uop throughput.)