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Is there WebGL 2.0 support in AirConsole?

Trying to figure out if Unity's LWRP could run in AirConsole build. Apparently LWRP is supported in WebGL2 builds, so the question is - does AirConsole themselves fully support it? If not fully - what features are and what are not supported?


  • I am not very familiar with Unity nor LWRP, but to clarify:

    AirConsole and it's games always run in a browser (except on AndroidTV where it may run as a native game). In the end AirConsole is "just" a website or Javascript API. Consequently if the browser supports WebGL 2.0, then it also works with AirConsole.

    However, Web GL 2 support seems to be missing on e.g. Safari, which is one of the platforms supported by AirConsole. A game should run on all major browsers.

    I hope this explanation helps you.