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How to obtain a list of all markers in matplotlib?

The diagrams I am generating have many lines, and I want to automatically use colors and markers to distinguish them.

I tried this:

for i,studyDframeTuple in enumerate(studyDframeTuples):
    time  = studyDframeTuple[1]['time']
    error = studyDframeTuple[1]['Linf velocity error']
    caseName = studyDirs[studyDframeTuple[0]]
    ax.plot(time, error, marker = i % 12, label=caseName) 

Which circulates marker over (0,11). This kind of works, because for some reason marker < 12. When I use marker = i % 20, I get an error that makerstyle 12 is unknown.

This is an example of the diagram I'm generating, it's not pretty, it's only used for checking test results:

enter image description here

The diagrams are resulting from tests with varying parameters, hence the need to iterate over all available colors, line styles and markers, to make sure that when I have 100 lines on a diagram, I can distinguish the ones that belong to exploded solutions (values like 1e15 on this plot).

How can I put all markers in matplotib in a list and iterate over them?


I hacked a list of my own like this

mStyles = [".",",","o","v","^","<",">","1","2","3","4","8","s","p","P","*","h","H","+","x","X","D","d","|","_",0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

But what when this changes? Can I obtain this list programmatically from matplotlib?


  • 12 doesn't exist as marker value. You can have a dict of all existing markers using this :

    from matplotlib.lines import Line2D


    {'.': 'point',
     ',': 'pixel',
     'o': 'circle',
     'v': 'triangle_down',
     '^': 'triangle_up',
     '<': 'triangle_left',
     '>': 'triangle_right',
     '1': 'tri_down',
     '2': 'tri_up',
     '3': 'tri_left',
     '4': 'tri_right',
     '8': 'octagon',
     's': 'square',
     'p': 'pentagon',
     '*': 'star',
     'h': 'hexagon1',
     'H': 'hexagon2',
     '+': 'plus',
     'x': 'x',
     'D': 'diamond',
     'd': 'thin_diamond',
     '|': 'vline',
     'P': 'plus_filled',
     'X': 'x_filled',
     0: 'tickleft',
     1: 'tickright',
     2: 'tickup',
     4: 'caretleft',
     5: 'caretright',
     6: 'caretup',
     7: 'caretdown',
     8: 'caretleftbase',
     9: 'caretrightbase',
     10: 'caretupbase',
     11: 'caretdownbase',
     'None': 'nothing',
     None: 'nothing',
     ' ': 'nothing',
     '': 'nothing'}