i'm using a code to send the ConnectionInfo to the crystalReportViewer
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ConnectionInfo myConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
myConnectionInfo.ServerName = "";
myConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = "SHRK-Traffic";
myConnectionInfo.UserID = "sa";
myConnectionInfo.Password = "pass";
crystalReportViewer1.Visible = true;
private void setDBLOGONforREPORT(ConnectionInfo myconnectioninfo)
TableLogOnInfos mytableloginfos = new TableLogOnInfos();
mytableloginfos = crystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo;
foreach (TableLogOnInfo myTableLogOnInfo in mytableloginfos)
myTableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = myconnectioninfo;
i'm working with this code in web app and it's working fine..but in windows app it show that error
i'm getting an error
You need to create a TableLogOnInfo object, then set it's ConnectionInfo object to the correct information i.e.:
TableLogOnInfo loginDetails = new TableLogOnInfo();
loginDetails.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = "ALFA1\\ACMSDB";
loginDetails.ConnectionInfo.UserID = "***";
loginDetails.ConnectionInfo.Password = "***";
loginDetails.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = "database";
loginDetails.ConnectionInfo.IntegratedSecurity = false;
Then go ahead and add that configured TableLogOnInfo object to your LogOnInfo collection: