I have a request that returns documents to me. I would like to join the sums of goods of each document and summarize them.
It looks like this:
There are documents.
| document_id | owner_id |
| 52f20e4d | ef27737d |
| 3bfdc5aa | ef27737d |
Products are attached to each document.
| product_id | document_id | total_sum |
| b60624a7 | 52f20e4d | 10 |
| fcc21801 | 52f20e4d | 5 |
| d5cbe99d | 3bfdc5aa | 3 |
| 5e537533 | 3bfdc5aa | 4 |
My php code:
$result = DB::table('documents as docs')->leftJoin('products as t_products', function($join) {
$join->on('t_products.document_id', '=', 'docs.document_id');
})->where('docs.owner_id', '=', $currentUserId)->select('docs.document_id', 't_products.total_sum')
return response()->json($result);
I get the following:
"document_id": "52f20e4d",
"total_sum": "5"
"document_id": "52f20e4d",
"total_sum": "10"
"document_id": "3bfdc5aa",
"total_sum": "4"
"document_id": "3bfdc5aa",
"total_sum": "3"
But I would like to see only two entries in which the total_sum will be summarized.
Like this:
"document_id": "52f20e4d",
"total_sum": "15"
"document_id": "3bfdc5aa",
"total_sum": "7"
Add group by document id and sum of total sum
$result = DB::table('documents as docs')
->leftJoin('products as t_products', function($join) {
$join->on('t_products.document_id', '=', 'docs.document_id');
->where('docs.owner_id', '=', $currentUserId)
->selectRaw('docs.document_id, sum(t_products.total_sum) as total_sum')