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Android Studio Kotlin databinding: Unresolved reference on BR

I have some code that is generating a "red squiggly" error in Android Studio:

var title: String = ""
    set(value) {
        field = value

It complains that "title" is an unresolved reference on BR.title. Building and running works fine though, and this is the only error I can see. I debug there and see that it's gotten the value for BR.title correctly.

Still, I can't figure out how to make it go away. I verified that the generated BR class has the "title" field, but Android Studio refuses to recognize this. I've looked up people having this issue and have tried the following: (unsuccessfully)

  • Closing Android Studio, deleting the .gradle, .idea and build folders and restarting
  • Build -> Clean Project, Rebuild Project
  • File -> Invalidate Caches and restart
  • Disabling and enabling the Kotlin plugin
  • Closing and reopening the project

I have also checked and I have apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt' in build.gradle.

Anyone know what's going on? I assume it must be holding onto some cache files somewhere but I don't know where.


  • What fixed the problem for me was adding the following import to my files:

    import androidx.databinding.library.baseAdapters.BR

    I'm not entirely certain why this works, but it got rid of all the analysis problems and the application still compiles and works fine, so I'm personally happy.