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Using CircleCi environment variables for aws access/secret keys

I created a simple API test to post a document. The endpoint needs to be authenticated using AWS access and secret key. Here's my API test code:

public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> PostRequest(string requestUrl, dynamic json = null, byte[] file = null)
            var credentials = new ImmutableCredentials(accessKey, secretKey, null);

            var url= url.SetQueryParams(json);
            var httpContent = new ByteArrayContent(file );

            var response = await client.PostAsync(
                regionName: regionName,
                serviceName: serviceName,
                credentials: credentials);

            return response;

Currently these credentials are hard coded (not great, I know). With my CI pipeline, I'm using CircleCi and I have stored my AWS keys in the environment variable section. My question now is how can I access and implement these variables to my test code?

The idea on what I'm trying to do is that I don't want to hard code my AWS keys in source control.


  • I use circleci, but I don't use

    I have added AWS credentials as environment variables for the circleci project. After that, I don't include the credentials part of my nodejs code. the aws-sdk for nodejs will use the environment variables to get the credentials. I believe the behaviour should be same for based applications as well.

    Hope this helps.

    Reference: Serverless Framework deploy through CircleCI