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FakeItEasy - Expected to find it once or more but no calls were made to the fake object

I have an event creation method that should return me an object EventoDto, I'm using fakeiteasy and create the object with values because have a problems with the validations, now this is my code. HOw I should make this test?

public async void CreateEventSuccess_should_return_the_object_created()
    var dataEventDto = A.Fake<EventDto>();
    var createEvent = A.Fake<IEventService>();
    var objectEventDtoReturn = new EventDto();
    var eventService = new EventService(this.eventRepository, this.mapper);

    dataEventDto.Title = "this is a test for add event";
    dataEventDto.Description = "this is a description for the add event";
    dataEventDto.Venue = "this is the street";
    dataEventDto.Date = DateTime.Now;
    dataEventDto.Booking = true;
    dataEventDto.TypeEvent = EventType.Presential;
    dataEventDto.State = EventState.Published;
    dataEventDto.CancellationReason = "this is a test of cancellation event";
    dataEventDto.Url = "this is a url";

    A.CallTo(() => createEvent.Add(dataEventDto)).Returns(objectEventDtoReturn);

    await eventService.Add(dataEventDto);

    A.CallTo(() => createEvent.Add(dataEventDto)).MustHaveHappened();

the error that this produce is:

   Assertion failed for the following call:
        Assertion failed for the following call:
        Jalasoft.Events.Domain.Interfaces.Services.IService`2[Jalasoft.Events.Services.EventDto,System.String].Add(entity: Faked Jalasoft.Events.Services.EventDto)
      Expected to find it once or more but no calls were made to the fake object.

this is the subject that I'm testing

private readonly IEventRepository repository;
private readonly IMapper mapper;
private EventValidator validator = new EventValidator();

public EventService(IEventRepository repository, IMapper mapper)
    this.repository = repository;
    this.mapper = mapper;

public async Task<EventDto> Add(EventDto entity)
        var results = this.validator.Validate(entity);
        bool success = results.IsValid;
        if (success)
            Event eventMapper = this.mapper.Map<Event>(entity);
            var response = await this.repository.Add(eventMapper);
            EventDto eventDtoMapper = this.mapper.Map<EventDto>(response);
            return eventDtoMapper;
            IList<ValidationFailure> failures = results.Errors;
            throw new ValidationException(failures);
    catch (Exception e)
        throw new NotImplementedException(e.ToString());

for mapper I'm using

IEventService script

public interface IEventService : IService<EventDto, string>

Iservice script

public interface IService<T, TId>
    where T : EntityObject<TId>
    T GetById(TId id);

    Task<IEnumerable<T>> List();

    Task<T> Add(T entity);

    T Delete(T entity);

    T Edit(T entity);

IEventRepository script

public interface IEventRepository : IRepository<Event, ObjectId>

IRepository script

public interface IRepository<T, TId>
    where T : EntityObject<TId>
    T GetById(TId id);

    Task<IEnumerable<T>> List();

    Task<T> Add(T entity);

    T Delete(T entity);

    T Edit(T entity);

EventValidator script

        public EventValidator()
            this.RuleFor(x => x.Title)
                .Length(10, 50)
                .WithMessage("Title shuold be 50 characteres like Max");
            this.RuleFor(x => x.Description)
                .Length(10, 500)
                .WithMessage("Description shuold be 500 characteres like Max");
            this.RuleFor(x => x.Booking)
                .WithMessage("Booking not null");
            this.RuleFor(x => x.Date)
                WithMessage("Is not a valid datetime");
            this.RuleFor(x => x.State == EventState.Cancelled || x.State == EventState.Published)
                .WithMessage("Is not a valid state");
            this.RuleFor(x => x.TypeEvent == EventType.Online || x.TypeEvent == EventType.Presential)
                .WithMessage("Is not a valid event type");


  • It appears the current test is trying to mock the subject under test.

    Mock only the dependencies necessary to get the subject under test to behave as expected when exercised.

    public async Task CreateEventSuccess_should_return_the_object_created() {
        //Making sure DTO can pass validation.
        var expected = new EventDto();
        expected.Title = "this is a test for add event";
        expected.Description = "this is a description for the add event";
        expected.Venue = "this is the street";
        expected.Date = DateTime.Now;
        expected.Booking = true;
        expected.TypeEvent = EventType.Presential;
        expected.State = EventState.Published;
        expected.CancellationReason = "this is a test of cancellation event";
        expected.Url = "this is a url";
        //mocked repository to verify expected behavior.
        IEventRepository eventRepository = A.Fake<IEventRepository>();
        Event passedEvent = null;
        A.CallTo(() => eventRepository.Add(A<Event>._))
            .Invokes((Event arg) => passedEvent = arg)
        //Assuming an actual mapper is being used.
        var subject = new EventService(eventRepository, this.mapper);
        EventDto actual = await subject.Add(expected);
        A.CallTo(() => eventRepository.Add(A<Event>._)).MustHaveHappened();
        //expected and actual should be equivalent, so that could also be checked