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Grails 4.1 - Static Mapping in URL Mappings not working properly after upgrade

I am currently upgrading to Grails 4.1. In the past version I had a static mapping in my URL Mappings.groovy as follows:

  class UrlMappings {

      static mappings = {
          name tool: "tool/$controller/$action?/$id?"{
                constraints {
                    // apply constraints here

      "/"(controller: "auth", action: "login")

This was working perfectly in previous Grails versions and when I click on a link to redirect to the url localhost:8000/tool/converters/list, converter would be recognized as the Controller, list would be recognized as the Action and the correct view would be displayed. Now that I have upgraded, when I click on the link, the url that it redirect to is localhost:8080/tool%2Fconverters/list and the error message "This page isn't working" is what is displayed in the view. The "%2F" somehow gets inserted into the url and is causing the page to not display.

I have looked at the Grails 4 documentation and I don't see any indication that the format for static mappings in the URL Mappings has changed. Does anyone have any idea as to why this is happening and how I can fix it?


  • See the project at

    package rookycodermapping
    class SchemaController {
        def show() {
            render 'This is being rendered by the show action in SchemaController.'

    package rookycodermapping
    class UrlMappings {
        static mappings = {
            name tool: "/tool/$controller/$action?/$id?" {}

                Click <g:link action="show" controller="schema">here</g:link> to invoke the show action (g:link action="show" controller="schema").
                Click <g:link uri="/tool/schema/show">here</g:link> to invoke the show action (g:link uri="/tool/schema/show").

    Both of those links appear to work as expected.