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Autodesk Forge Design Automation - Inventor - failedInstructions (FailedMissingOutput)

I am trying to use the WorkItems API to extract key paramaters of a part to a text file. The work item fails with FailedMissingOutput [KeyParameters.txt] which is the file my plugin creates in the working folder. Debugging locally the file is created successfully.

Log: Log

Addin Code is pretty simple:

 public void RunWithArguments(Document doc, NameValueMap map)
        LogTrace("Processing " + doc.FullFileName);
        LogInputData(doc, map);


            var DocDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(doc.FullFileName);
            var ParametersOutputFileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(DocDir, "KeyParameters.txt");

            if (doc.DocumentType == DocumentTypeEnum.kPartDocumentObject)
                using (new HeartBeat())
                    // TODO: handle the Inventor part here

                    PartDocument PartDoc = (PartDocument)doc;
                    ExtractKeyParams(PartDoc.ComponentDefinition.Parameters, ParametersOutputFileName);

            else if (doc.DocumentType == DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject) // Assembly.
                using (new HeartBeat())
                    // TODO: handle the Inventor assembly here

                    AssemblyDocument AssyDoc = (AssemblyDocument)doc;
                    ExtractKeyParams(AssyDoc.ComponentDefinition.Parameters, ParametersOutputFileName);
        catch (Exception e)
            LogError("Processing failed. " + e.ToString());

    public void ExtractKeyParams(Parameters Params, string OutputFileName)

        List<string> ParamList = new List<string>();
        foreach (Parameter Param in Params)
            if (Param.IsKey)

        string[] OutputParams = ParamList.ToArray();
        System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(OutputFileName, OutputParams);


Activity Params...

    private static Dictionary<string, Parameter> GetActivityParams()
        return new Dictionary<string, Parameter>
                        new Parameter
                            Verb = Verb.Get,
                            Description = "File to process"
                        new Parameter
                            Verb = Verb.Put,
                            LocalName = "KeyParameters.txt",
                            Description = "Key Parameters Output",
                            Ondemand = false,
                            Required = false

.....And Work Item arguments (With token and ids removed), the signed resource is a forge bucket resource generated to expire in 60 minutes so that shouldn't be the issue,

private static Dictionary<string, IArgument> GetWorkItemArgs()

        Dictionary<string, string> Header = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        Header.Add("Authorization", "Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>");

        Dictionary<string, string> Header2 = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        Header2.Add("Authorization", "Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>");
         Header2.Add("Content-type", "application/octet-stream");

        return new Dictionary<string, IArgument>
                        new XrefTreeArgument
                            Url = "<BUCKET_KEY>/objects/box.ipt",
                            Headers = Header
                        new XrefTreeArgument
                            Verb = Verb.Put,
                            Url = "<SIGNED_RESOURCE_ID>?region=US",
                            Headers = Header2

I cannot work out why the KeyParameters.txt file isn't being generated by my addin, but looking at the log it seems it is and maybe the problem is uploading it to the signed resource, my token has all the needed scopes.


  • The KeyParameters.txt file isn't generated because your Activity calls this function Run(Document doc). It is possible to see it in your log, check this line:

    InventorCoreConsole.exe Information: 0 : Run called with box.ipt

    Now just try to move your code to the Run(Document doc) function.

    The RunWithArguments(Document doc, NameValueMap map) function is called in case that you have any arguments in the command line in your Activity.