Search code examples

Get one of specific words from a text string. Excel 2016+

I have a list of words I need to get from a text string:

  • A cow
  • Dog-boy
  • Hello-get it

(just random words)

I have multiple cells with random words surrounding desired ones:

  • Random wordlsads A cow askjdhakj
  • sla;alsj Dog-Boy l;sasla
  • skla Hello-get it ksalksajsa

And I need an excel function to extract my specified words from this cell. The problem is that I need 1 universal formula that checks all words in a string and returns if something matches one of the words in a list.

I would use following function to extract one word from 1 cell:


Where D4 is a text string I need to check and R3 is a word I am looking for.

I was trying to combine those using IFS formula:


But, as some of you already get, it returns #VALUE! error, because when first SEARCH formula runs and does not find any match it returns #VALUE! error and whole function returns it, despite the fact that it could actually have 1 TRUE result.

I googled a lot and, as I understand, I need to use TRANSPOSE formula to create an array, and somehow get result from there, but, I guess, I am not that smart yet.

Would appreciate some help on this one. Thank you!


  • If Column A Houses Cells with random words with desired ones and Column C lists the desired ones then you can use:


    And copy down. Adjust range $C$1:$C$3 to suit your actual range.

    Edit Explanation as below.

    I do not know origins of this formula. I came across this construct for the first time on MrExcel where "Aladin Akyurek" posted it.

    The 2^15 part calculates to 32768 which is more (just by one number) than the maximum number of characters an Excel cell can hold theoretically i.e. 32767. It was posted somewhere by a user named "XOR LX" and I have used it since.

    The construct uses LOOKUP function's ability to deal with Arrays and Errors enabling a fairly straightforward solution.