I am using python docx library to read MS word file(.docx). When i read paragraph i use font function to get all style properties. But sometimes it gives None for font size attribute. Is there any way to get actual font size which paragraph contains. Example code is given below which i am using to parse paragraphs
from docx import Document
d = Document(document_path)
for paragraph in d.paragraphs:
for run in paragraph.runs:
print (run.font.size)
Short answer is no. What you're asking for is effective font size and python-docx
can only see an explicitly set font size. When font.size
reports None, it is the default for that paragraph, whatever that is, which depends on the style hierarchy.
In many cases it might be the font size of the applicable paragraph style, but the only way to know for sure is to traverse the style hierarchy for that text node to the first explicit definition.