Using navigation components, I would like apply fade-in effect to FadeInContent during transition, respecting the following order:
I had a look to this article that does exactly what I want, but doesn't use navigation components, therefore I can't apply setStartDelay
. I can't also apply NavOptions.Builder().setEnterAnim(R.anim.fade_in)
because it applies to all the screen, and not just the FadeInContent.
AFAIK the navigation component can only handle the motion during the transition itself so you are rightly pointing out that there is no way to delay a transition.
Nonetheless, you might want to implement your fade-in animation with a scene transition (
It looks like a cleaner way to handle the situation you are exposing.
Code Solution:
val transition = TransitionInflater.from(activity)
sharedElementEnterTransition = transition
setEnterSharedElementCallback(object : SharedElementCallback() {
override fun onMapSharedElements(
names: MutableList<String>?,
sharedElements: MutableMap<String, View>?
) {
super.onMapSharedElements(names, sharedElements)