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Navigation Components - Fade in specific content

Using navigation components, I would like apply fade-in effect to FadeInContent during transition, respecting the following order:

  1. Text1 -> Text2 transition (Done by applying R.transition.move in sharedElement)
  2. FadeInContent fades-in after 1. transition

I had a look to this article that does exactly what I want, but doesn't use navigation components, therefore I can't apply setStartDelay. I can't also apply NavOptions.Builder().setEnterAnim(R.anim.fade_in) because it applies to all the screen, and not just the FadeInContent. enter image description here


  • AFAIK the navigation component can only handle the motion during the transition itself so you are rightly pointing out that there is no way to delay a transition.

    Nonetheless, you might want to implement your fade-in animation with a scene transition (

    It looks like a cleaner way to handle the situation you are exposing.

    Code Solution:

    val transition = TransitionInflater.from(activity)
    sharedElementEnterTransition = transition
    setEnterSharedElementCallback(object : SharedElementCallback() {
                override fun onMapSharedElements(
                    names: MutableList<String>?,
                    sharedElements: MutableMap<String, View>?
                ) {
                    super.onMapSharedElements(names, sharedElements)