I have this Struct:
struct Alphabet {
let a = "ciao"
let b = "hi"
let c = "hola"
let alphabet = Alphabet()
I want the value of each property become the string of the property itself. Like this:
alphabet.a = "a"
alphabet.b = "b"
alphabet.c = "c"
But I want to be done regardless of the number of properties or their value:
I tried this:
Mirror(reflecting: Alphabet.self).children.forEach { (label, value) in
self.alphabet[keyPath: label] = label!
but I know this is not the way KeyPath works... Probably there are type safety problems going on too. Any idea?
As far as I know keyPaths aren't the way to go, you need to use CodingKeys
Here's a working sample, creating JSON and then decoding it might not be the perfect so you better change my solution to suit your needs.
struct Alphabet: Codable {
let a: String
let b: String
let c: String
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey, CaseIterable
case a
case b
case c
static func generateJSON() -> String {
var json = "{"
for i in CodingKeys.allCases
json += "\"\(i.stringValue)\": \"\(i.stringValue)\","
json += "}"
return json
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let alphabet = try decoder.decode(Alphabet.self, from: Alphabet.generateJSON().data(using: .utf8)!)
print(alphabet.a) //Prints "a"