I have a script which pulls all the email addresses from a google group.
I need to extract the Full name associated with each email address, this information is stored in the contacts app.
It looks like I can only extract email addresses and role information from groups, is there a way to then link this information to the contacts app to extract their Full Names?
It's worth noting that I don't have admin access so can't use Admin SDK
This is the script I'm using to get the email addresses:
function listGroupMembers() {
var GROUP_EMAIL = "email@emailcom";
var group = GroupsApp.getGroupByEmail(GROUP_EMAIL);
var users = group.getUsers();
var str = "Group " + GROUP_EMAIL + " has " + users.length +
" members: ";
for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
var user = users[i];
str = str + user.getEmail() + ", ";
var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getActiveRange().setValue(str)
I'm thinking of then connecting with a script like this, but can't seem to get it to work on a list of email addresses in a range on my sheet even if I split it out
function getUserName(){
var contacts = ContactsApp.getContactsByEmailAddress(query);
for (var i in contacts) {
Any help would be appreciated, I'm far from an expert on this!
function listGroupMembers() {
var GROUP_EMAIL = "email@emailcom";
var group = GroupsApp.getGroupByEmail(GROUP_EMAIL);
var users = group.getUsers();
var str = "Group " + GROUP_EMAIL + " has " + users.length +
" members: ";
for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
var user = users[i];
var email = user.getEmail();
var contact = ContactsApp.getContact(email);
str=str+contact.getFullName()+" ";