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Getting error when using Quasar component inside a custom functional component

I'm using Quasar 1.6.1 with the autoload option (It autoloads the quasar components I use without me needing to define them). I wrote a custom functional component that uses <q-tooltip>, but when I try to run it I get this error:

Unknown custom element: - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.

If I don't use a functional component it works.

<template functional>
  <div class="item q-mb-sm">
    <div class="text-small text-grey-6">{{ props.label }}</div>
    <div v-if="!props.longText">{{ props.text }}</div>
    <div v-else class="row q-gutter-sm">
      <div class="ellipsis col">
        {{ props.text }}
      <div class="cursor-pointer">
        <img src="~assets/copy.svg" alt="copy" />
        <q-tooltip :offset="[5, 5]" anchor="top middle" self="bottom middle">


  • I think you need to register the QTooltip component in quasar.confg.js.

    framework: {
          components: [  

    Component - I have tested this component it's working fine for me.

    <template functional>
      <div class="q-mb-sm">
        <q-btn color="secondary" class="text-capitalize">Copy
          <q-tooltip :offset="[5, 5]" anchor="top middle" self="bottom middle">
        export default {
            name: "test",
            props: ['test']
    <style scoped>

    demo -