In my entity I defined a field color with a callback. The colors can only be selected in the COLORS list (const
in this class
* @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="App\Repository\EventTagRepository")
class EventTag
const COLORS = [
"success"=> "success",
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
* @Assert\Choice(callback="getColors")
private $color;
public function getColors()
return $this::COLORS;
When I'm creating the form in easy-admin, I'd like to access this callback in the choice
type options to prevent the user to choose a wrong color.
class: App\Entity\EventTag
actions: ['-delete']
- { type: 'group', label: 'Content', icon: 'pencil-alt', columns: 8 }
- 'name'
- { property: 'color', type: 'choice', type_options: { expanded: false, multiple: false, choices: 'colors'} }
Unfortunately in the type_options
I didn't find a way to access the entity properties, instead of searching for getColors()
, IsColors()
, hasColors()
methods, it only reads the string.
Is it possible to do it another way ?
you can use
in the PHP entity and
choices: App\Entity\EventTag::COLORS
in the YAML config
you need to manually extend the AdminController
public function createCategoryEntityFormBuilder($entity, $view)
$formBuilder = parent::createEntityFormBuilder($entity, $view);
$field = $formBuilder->get('type');
$options = $field->getOptions();
$attr = $field->getAttributes();
$options['choices'] = $formBuilder->getData()->getTypeLabels();
$formBuilder->add($field->getName(), ChoiceType::class, $options);
->setAttribute('easyadmin_form_tab', $attr['easyadmin_form_tab'])
->setAttribute('easyadmin_form_group', $attr['easyadmin_form_group']);
return $formBuilder;
erases attributes we need to set them again manually. Probably it can be skipped if you are not using Groups/Tabs, otherwise it will throw Exception saying that field was already rendered.