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How to clean a tox environment after running?

I have the following tox.ini file:

envlist = flake8,py{35,36,37,38}{,-keyring}

usedevelop = True
install_command = pip install -U {opts} {packages}
deps =
    keyring: .[keyring]
setenv =
    COVERAGE_FILE = .coverage.{envname}
    pytest {toxinidir}/tests -n 4 {posargs}

basepython = python3
deps = flake8
    flake8 src tests

ignore: F401,E402,E501,W605,W503

When I run the tox command, it creates a .tox folder containing a folder for every environment specified in the [tox] section of the tox.ini.

I would like to automatically get rid of these particular folders after the test have succeeded when running tox without having to manually run rm -rf .tox/NAME_OF_THE_ENV. I have searched through the tox documentation but I have found nothing.

Is it possible to do so? If yes, how?


  • I found a way by creating a tox hook. This hook runs the shutil.rmtree command after the tests have been run inside the env.

    In a file:

    import shutil
    from tox import hookimpl
    def tox_runtest_post(venv):
        except Exception as e:
            print("An exception occurred while removing '{}':".format(venv.path))

    I created a package around this code and I just need to install it using pip.

    In my, in the setup function:

        entry_points={"tox": ["clean_env = tox_clean_env"]},