I would like to attach labels using geom_dl
to a Kaplan–Meier (KM) plot produced by ggsurvplot
. It works fine if I use the plot part of ggsurvplot
fit <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ disease, data = kidney)
surv_km <- ggsurvplot(fit, risk.table = TRUE)
surv_km$plot + geom_dl(aes(label = gsub('disease=','',strata)),
method = list(dl.trans(x = x + .2), "last.points"))
However, I get an error If I use the complete surv_km
surv_km + geom_dl(aes(label = gsub('disease=','',strata)),
method = list(dl.trans(x = x + .2), "last.points"))
>Error in surv_km + geom_dl(aes(label = gsub("disease=", "", strata)), : non-numeric argument to binary operator In addition: Warning message: Incompatible methods ("+.ggsurv", "+.gg") for "+"
Use %++%
instead of +
. See ?add_ggsurvplot
for more details.
fit <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ disease, data = kidney)
surv_km <- ggsurvplot(fit, risk.table = TRUE, legend = "none")
surv_km %++% geom_dl(aes(label = gsub('disease=','',strata)),
method = list(dl.trans(x = x + .2), "last.points"))
To remove labels at the end of the table, we can assign surv_km[["table"]][["layers"]][[2]]
, e.g.
surv_km <- surv_km %++%
geom_dl(aes(label = gsub('disease=','',strata)),
method = list(dl.trans(x = x + .2), "last.points"))
Finally to remove disease=
in graph's and/or table's legend labels, use gsub
with names(fit$strata)
, as so
attr(fit$strata, "names") = gsub("disease=","",attr(fit$strata, "names"))
#then repeat above steps