I would like to do the multithreading to my code, but have no idea how to start .... Basically the python script will perfrom a "for" loop to a lot of devices (defined in another file "pyntc_devices_list"), to backup config for all devices.
With multithreading, I should run the backup to all devices at the same time, rather than one by one. Much appreciate for the help.
My code is as below:
from pyntc import ntc_device as NTC
from pyntc_devices_list import Get_Devices_List
all_devices = Get_Devices_List()
for device in all_devices:
print('Backing up ' + device['name'])
DEVICE = NTC(host=device['ip'], username=device['username'], password=device['password'], device_type='cisco_ios$
except Exception as unknown_error:
print('Error: ' + str(unknown_error))
back_config = DEVICE.backup_running_config(device['name'] + '.cfg')
Part of the "pyntc_devices_list"
ESW1 = {
'name': 'ESW1',
'ip': '',
'username': 'yyc',
'password': 'cisco',
ESW2 = {
'name': 'ESW2',
'ip': '',
'username': 'yyc',
'password': 'cisco',
ESW3 = {
'name': 'ESW3',
'ip': '',
'username': 'yyc',
'password': 'cisco',
def Get_Devices_List():
all_devices = [ESW1, ESW2, ESW3]
return all_devices
The book https://scaling-python.com, with which I am not associated, offers some great solutions for multithreading in python 3.x (and multiprocessing in fact). Here are some of the multithreading options (but I mainly refer the interested reader to the book, from which the code extracts are taken):
import threading
t = threading.Thread(target=my_func,args=(...,))
from concurrent import futures
with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor as executor:
futures = [executor.submit(my_func) for _ in range(...)]
results = [f.result() for f in futures]
There are plenty of other routes in the book. I did run into some issues when using futures alongside gunicorn/uwsgi Flask workers - and it's not clear these are resolvable as of now.
Hope that helps (can also update this answer if anyone has any other solutions).