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.NET Core 2.2 WebAPI Route Conflict for Delete /Employees and /Employees/EmployeeID when parameter is null or empty

There are 2 WebAPI routes,in .NET core 2.2

1)[Delete] /Employees

2) [Delete] /Employees/{EmpID}

When EmpID is null or empty instead of 2nd route first route is triggering. I need the 2nd route /Employees/{EmpID} to trigger when route is "/Employees/" and 1st route to trigger when /Employees is invoked.

But in .NET core webapi in bot cases "/Employees" and "/Employees/" triggering the same route /Employees.

How is it possible to trigger 2nd route when "/Employees/" is invoked.How to resolve the conflict with and without /


  • I need the 2nd route /Employees/{EmpID} to trigger when route is "/Employees/" and 1st route to trigger when /Employees is invoked.

    You could use URL Rewriter to rewrite the request path.Refer to my below demo where EmpID is int type.

    1.Create Rules

    public class RewriteRuleTest : IRule
        public void ApplyRule(RewriteContext context)
            var request = context.HttpContext.Request;
            var path = request.Path.Value;
            if (path.ToLower() == "/employees/")
                context.HttpContext.Request.Path = "/employees/0";

    2.Add the middleware in startup Configure

    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
            app.UseRewriter(new RewriteOptions().Add(new RewriteRuleTest()));

    3.Test action

    public void DeleteOne(int empID)
        if (empID == 0)
            //for the condition when empID is null or empty
            //for the condition when empID is not null or empty
    public void Delete()