I'm trying to position a popover to appear underneath a button when that button is clicked. An example of this is on the Ion docs page.
However the code for this is not supplied in React, only in Angular.
Currently my code looks like this
<IonButtons slot="end">
<IonButton onClick={() => setShowPopover(true)} expand="block">
<IonIcon icon={more}/>
onDidDismiss={() => setShowPopover(false)}>
<IonItem>Popover Item</IonItem>
The popover is toggled by the button above it. When the button is pressed the popover appears in the middle of the page, not over the button. How do I change this so the popover is shown attached to the button? (Like the image)
Inspired by the answer of Thomas but unable to make his code work the following did the trick for me:
const [showPopover, setShowPopover] = useState<{open: boolean, event: Event | undefined}>({
open: false,
event: undefined,
onDidDismiss={e => setShowPopover({open: false, event: undefined})}
<p>This is popover content</p>
<IonButton onClick={(e) => setShowPopover({open: true, event: e.nativeEvent})}>Click</IonButton>