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Extract k8s events specific column

I'm troubleshooting liveness probe failures. I'm able to extract specific entries from k8s event using this approach

k get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp | grep Liveness

I'd like to get only the pod(s) that causing the issue.
I'm considering to pipe a cut, but I'm not sure which delimiter should I use to get the specific column.

Where I can find the delimiter related to that specific k8s resource(Events) used to printout the kubectl output?

Any other suggestion is appreciated

UPDATE so far these are the best options (w/o using extra tools) satisfying my specific needs:

k get events -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}/{.involvedObject.namespace}: {.message}{"\n"}{end}' | grep Liveness

k get events -o,NS:.involvedObject.namespace,MGG:.message | grep Liveness


  • there is a feature in kubernetes called jsonpath

    validate if your jsonpath is correct with this online tool:

    easily go through json keys with this online tool, so you needn't manually type the key names any more):

    so your command will be:

    k get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp --jsonpath '{ .xxxxxx }' 

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