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Logstash grok multiple match

Trying to extract some fields from the msgbody field using grok , but only the first field in the grok gets extracted.

interested Fields - corId, controller, httpStatusText and uri (These fields may not be present in every log event)

Sample Data -

2020-01-03 10:44:17,025 [93] ERROR MedServFileLogger corId=cf25b00d-1e37-4eb7-ab75-82ceeec7fdab - Exception controller= Loan action= Getmethod= GET uri= http://xxxxxxxxxx/v2/media/instance/xxxx/loans/cdb79433-32fa-4df8-b73a-e87aa89f2007/files/
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: MediaTokenInvalid - A valid Token must be provided for accessing Media
2020-01-03 03:58:12,822 [37] ERROR MedServFileLogger corId=5aa9b90b-9fe6-4700-aa8f-c08be2d3f0ea - Returning controller= Health action= Getmethod= GET uri= http://localhost/v2/media/healthhttpStatusCode=503 httpStatusText=ServiceUnavailable
2020-01-03 14:13:33,987 [62] INFO  MedServFileLogger corId=2aee7503-d01e-4251-a9c3-f5f22057744b - Entering MediaTokenUtility.ValidateToken
2020-01-03 14:13:33,987 [62] INFO  EDMMediaServiceFileLogger corId=2aee7503-d01e-4251-a9c3-f5f22057744b - Entering controller= Vault action= GetFilemethod= GET uri=

Logstash Filter -

filter {

if [project] == "media_server"
grok {
match => [ "message", "(?m)%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logtime} [(?[\d.]+)] +%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} %{GREEDYDATA:msgbody}" ]

     grok {
            match => {
            break_on_match => "false"
            "msgbody" => [ "corId=%{UUID:corId}", "controller=%{SPACE}%{WORD:controller}", "httpStatusText=%{WORD:httpStatusText}", "uri=%{SPACE}%{URI:uri}" ]

       date {
        locale => "en"
        match => ["logtime", "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"]
        timezone => "America/Los_Angeles"
        target => "@timestamp"

            remove_field => [ "msgbody" ]

Using the above configuration, only the corId field is getting extracted and all other fields are dropped. I don't see any parsing errors/failures in the logstash logs.

Followed this -

Appreciate any help or guidance with this.



  • got it working , by including the following "patterns_dir" and also "break_on_match" inside the grok filter and before the "match" stanza.

                patterns_dir => "/etc/logstash/patterns"
                break_on_match => "false"

    Working Filter -

    filter {
       if [project] == "media_server"
            grok {
                match => [ "message", "(?m)%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logtime} \[(?<threadid>[\d.]+)\] +%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} %{GREEDYDATA:msgbody}" ]
             grok {
                    patterns_dir => "/etc/logstash/patterns"
                    break_on_match => "false"
                    match => {
                    "msgbody" => [ "corId=%{UUID:corId}", "controller=%{SPACE}%{WORD:controller}", "httpStatusText=%{WORD:httpStatusText}", "uri=%{SPACE}%{URI:uri}" ]
               date {
                locale => "en"
                match => ["logtime", "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"]
                timezone => "America/Los_Angeles"
                target => "@timestamp"
                    remove_field => [ "msgbody" ]