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Push to a POST API using Pub/Sub

I'm setting up Pub/Sub for my Android Management API solution, I have created a Topic & Subscription to create a ENROLLMENT notification. The subscription is of type PULL so when I pull it works as expected and shows the enrollment notifications.

I want to use Delivery type as PUSH and hit a POST API which will add the details of this newly enrolled device into my DB. Can I use the POST API URL something like as the Endpoint URL? If so how can I test it using debugger ?

I was unable to find any tutorial in C# to do the same.

Thanks in advance!


  • I don’t see anything obviously wrong with using something like as the endpoint URL. A Pub/Sub push request looks like the following (note that the field is base64-encoded).

      "message": {
        "attributes": {
          "key": "value"
        "data": "SGVsbG8gQ2xvdWQgUHViL1N1YiEgSGVyZSBpcyBteSBtZXNzYWdlIQ==",
        "messageId": "136969346945"
      "subscription": "projects/MY_PROJECT/subscriptions/MY_SUBSCRIPTION"

    To configure your subscription to deliver messages to a push endpoint, you can configure it directly in the Google Cloud Console via the ‘Create subscription’ or ‘Edit subscription’ page.

    Screenshot of the Google Cloud Console's 'Edit subscription' page

    You can also configure your subscription using gcloud.

    $ gcloud pubsub subscriptions update \
      projects/MY_PROJECT/subscriptions/MY_SUBSCRIPTION \

    For more information, please refer to the following guide for using push subscriptions: