I have my ngrx state this way
state.data state.dataArchived
I would like to copy data from store.data to state.dataArchived.
selectedSchedulingsOnPopup$ = this.store.pipe(select(selectSchedulingsByBranch));
ngOnInit() {
this.store.dispatch(new GetDirectionsOnGraph({}));
this.selectedSchedulingsOnPopup$.subscribe(value => {
this.selectedSchedulingsOnPopupValue = value;
this.store.dispatch(new GetDirectionsOnGraph(this.selectedSchedulingsOnPopupValue));
the problem is when state.data
changes, state.dataArchived
changes too
So I would like to get the current value of state.data
without subscribing to it.
I don't understand the question, but if you want to get the value without subscribing to it, you can convert it into a promise.
async ngOnInit() {
const data = await this.store.pipe(select(selectorForData),
Keep in mind, that in this promise way, it will only react once and get the data and carry on. If you want to be informed of the changes of the data slice, you have to subscribe to it, there is no other way around it.
toPromise is marked as deprecated now. You can use firstValueFrom
or lastValueFrom/take(1)
to transform observable into promise as below.
async ngOnInit() {
// firstValueFrom
const data = await firstValueFrom(this.store.pipe(select(selectorForData));
// lastValueFrom with take(1)
const data = await lastValueFrom(this.store.pipe(select(selectorForData),