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How can I get an int from a database using clr/c++ and convert it into a system::int

The problem that I am having is that I want to read an integer value from a database but I need to do CLR conversions to do this as it needs to be appended onto another integer from my database and then written back into the database. I have already done string conversions in this project so I do not see why I cannot do integer.

Code I already have:

            OleDbDataReader^ reader = testData.openData(fieldEntity, field, tableName);
            while (reader->Read())
                string userName, passWord;
                String^ username = reader["username"]->ToString();
                String^ password = reader["password"]->ToString();
                stringConversion(username, userName);
                stringConversion(password, passWord);
                /* this means that i will have the System::String^ as system::string and I want the same as this but for integers not strings*/


void stringConversion(String ^ s, string& os)
    using namespace Runtime::InteropServices;
    const char* chars =
        (const char*)(Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(s)).ToPointer();
    os = chars;

Edit: my catch statement is missing but it doesn't need to be there.


  • I have found a solution to this problem and it is actually rather basic.

    When dealing with an object I can just cast it in the same way I would a normal variable.

    For example,

        OleDbDataReader^ reader = testData.openData(fieldEntity, field, tableName);
            while (reader ->Read())
                Object^ healthptr = reader["Health"];
                health = (int)healthptr;