I have Galaxy tab S6 and it has cool features to replace laptop like connecting mouse and keyboard, but it unfortunately running Android OS, and not a lot of development apps are available to Android, so I thought if there's an option to run VS code at least on my device?
I Wrote this post using Linux Ubuntu on Galaxy Tab S6 ARM64 Based Processor using full version of chromium. and the following methods can be applied on any high-end android device ;)
You have 2 ways to install Linux:
1. Install a Linux distro via "Termux"
<code> pkg update -y && pkg install proot wget tar pulseaudio -y && wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndronixApp/AndronixOrigin/master/Rootfs/Ubuntu19/ubuntu19.sh && chmod +x ubuntu19.sh && ./ubuntu19.sh </code>
2. Install Linux GUI desktop environment like "Xfce".
sudo apt-get install xfce4 xfce4-goodies -y
3. start a VNC server on your linux.
sudo apt-get install tightvncserver -y
4. Open "VNC Viewer" on android to start hacking.
you may need to do command vncserver -list
to list the port
5. Install vscode for arm64
6. Optional: Install NodeJS for arm64
```apt install nodejs```
Second hacky way (Linux Natively):
install bootable linux environment
boot and install linux
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