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Show progressbar in Qt with computationally heavy background process

I'm building an application that let's the user export his/her work. This is a computationally heavy process, lasting for a minute or so, during which I want to show a progress bar (and make the rest of the UI unresponsive).

I've tried the implementation below, which works fine for a non-computationally expensive background process (e.g. waiting for 0.1 s). However, for a CPU heavy process, the UI becomes very laggy and unresponsive (but not completely unresponsive).

Any idea how I can solve this?

import sys
import time

from PySide2 import QtCore
from PySide2.QtCore import Qt
import PySide2.QtWidgets as QtWidgets

class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
    """Main window, with one button for exporting stuff"""

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        central_widget = QtWidgets.QWidget(self)
        layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout(self)
        button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Press me...")

    def export_stuff(self):
        """Opens dialog and starts exporting"""
        some_window = MyExportDialog(self)

class MyAbstractExportThread(QtCore.QThread):
    """Base export thread"""
    change_value = QtCore.Signal(int)

    def run(self):
        cnt = 0
        while cnt < 100:
            cnt += 1

    def operation(self):

class MyExpensiveExportThread(MyAbstractExportThread):

    def operation(self):
        """Something that takes a lot of CPU power"""
        some_val = 0
        for i in range(1000000):
            some_val += 1

class MyInexpensiveExportThread(MyAbstractExportThread):

    def operation(self):
        """Something that doesn't take a lot of CPU power"""

class MyExportDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog):
    """Dialog which does some stuff, and shows its progress"""

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super().__init__(parent, Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint)
        layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()
        self.progress_bar = self._create_progress_bar()
        self.worker = MyInexpensiveExportThread()  # Works fine
        # self.worker = MyExpensiveExportThread()  # Super laggy

    def _create_progress_bar(self):
        progress_bar = QtWidgets.QProgressBar(self)
        return progress_bar

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = QtWidgets.QApplication()
    window = MainWindow()


  • Thanks oetzi. This works better, but still drags the UI down somewhat. I did some research, and found the following, for those who are interested.

    The difficulty with showing a responsive user-interface while running a computationally heavy process using threading, stems from the fact in this case one combines a so-called IO-bound thread (i.e. the GUI), with a CPU-bound thread (i.e. the computation). For a IO-bound process, the time it takes to complete is defined by the fact that the thread has to wait on input or output (e.g. a user clicking on things, or a timer). By contrast, the time required to finish a CPU-bound process is limited by the power of the processing unit performing the process.

    In principle, mixing these types of threads in Python should not be a problem. Although the GIL enforces that only one thread is running at a single instance, the operating system in fact splits the processes up into smaller instructions, and switches between them. If a thread is running, it has the GIL and executes some of its instructions. After a fixed amount of time, it needs to release the GIL. Once released, the GIL can schedule activate any other 'runnable' thread - including the one that was just released.

    The problem however, is with the scheduling of these threads. Here things become a bit fuzzy for me, but basically what happens is that the CPU-bound thread seems to dominate this selection, from what I could gather due to a process called the "convey effect". Hence, the erratic and unpredictable behavior of a Qt GUI when running a CPU-bound thread in the background.

    I found some interesting reading material on this:

    So... this is very nice and all, how do we fix this?

    In the end, I managed to get what I want using multiprocessing. This allows you to actually run a process parallel to the GUI, instead in sequential fashion. This ensures the GUI stays as responsive as it would be without the CPU-bound process in the background.

    Multiprocessing has a lot of difficulties of its own, for example the fact that sending information back and forth between processes is done by sending pickled objects across a pipeline. However, the end-result is really superior in my case.

    Below I put a code snippet, showing my solution. It contains a class called ProgressDialog, which provides an easy API for setting this up with your own CPU-bound process.

    """Contains class for executing a long running process (LRP) in a separate
    process, while showing a progress bar"""
    import multiprocessing as mp
    from PySide2 import QtCore
    from PySide2.QtCore import Qt
    import PySide2.QtWidgets as QtWidgets
    class ProgressDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog):
        """Dialog which performs a operation in a separate process, shows a
        progress bar, and returns the result of the operation
        title: str
            Title of the dialog
        operation: callable
            Function of the form f(conn, *args) that will be run
        args: tuple
            Additional arguments for operation
        parent: QWidget
            Parent widget
        result: int
            The result is an integer. A 0 represents successful completion, or
            cancellation by the user. Negative numbers represent errors. -999
            is reserved for any unforeseen uncaught error in the operation.
        The function passed as the operation parameter should be of the form
        ``f(conn, *args)``. The conn argument is a Connection object, used to
        communicate the progress of the operation to the GUI process. The
        operation can pass its progress with a number between 0 and 100, using
        ``conn.send(i)``. Once the process is finished, it should send 101.
        Error handling is done by passing negative numbers.
        >>> def some_function(conn, *args):
        >>>     conn.send(0)
        >>>     a = 0
        >>>     try:
        >>>         for i in range(100):
        >>>                 a += 1
        >>>                 conn.send(i + 1)  # Send progress
        >>>     except Exception:
        >>>         conn.send(-1)  # Send error code
        >>>     else:
        >>>         conn.send(101)  # Send successful completion code
        Now we can use an instance of the ProgressDialog class within any 
        QtWidget to execute the operation in a separate process, show a progress 
        bar, and print the error code:
        >>> progress_dialog = ProgressDialog("Running...", some_function, self)
        >>> progress_dialog.finished.connect(lambda err_code: print(err_code))
        def __init__(self, title, operation, args=(), parent=None):
            super().__init__(parent, Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint)
            self.progress_bar = QtWidgets.QProgressBar(self)
            layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()
            # Create connection pipeline
            self.parent_conn, self.child_conn = mp.Pipe()
            # Create process
            args = (self.child_conn, *args)
            self.process = mp.Process(target=operation, args=args)
            # Create status emitter
            self.progress_emitter = ProgressEmitter(self.parent_conn, self.process)
            self.thread_pool = QtCore.QThreadPool()
        def slot_update_progress(self, i):
            if i < 0:
            elif i == 101:
        def open(self):
        def closeEvent(self, *args):
            self.progress_emitter.running = False
    class ProgressEmitter(QtCore.QRunnable):
        """Listens to status of process"""
        class ProgressSignals(QtCore.QObject):
            progress = QtCore.Signal(int)
        def __init__(self, conn, process):
            self.conn = conn
            self.process = process
            self.signals = ProgressEmitter.ProgressSignals()
            self.running = True
        def run(self):
            while self.running:
                if self.conn.poll():
                    progress = self.conn.recv()
                    if progress < 0 or progress == 101:
                        self.running = False
                elif not self.process.is_alive():
                    self.running = False