This is a simple form (contact form 7) is it possible to get select value in whatsapp button ?
for example please check image
Currently using this button
whatsapp://send?text=Hello! I Need pickup and drop for date &phone=+910000000000
sure, if you are using AJAX to submit your form, you need to hook the cf7 plugin filter, 'wpcf7_mail_sent' which is fired once your form is validated and the notification mail is sent.
function get_form_data($form){
//the submitted data is available in the $_POST session variable.
$phone_number = $_POST['phone-number']; //where 'phone-number' is your field name.
you can then store these values into a transient to retrieve for building your whatsapp button.
alternatively, if you are submitting your form using a 'POST' request, then you can simply add this code to your action page,
$phone_number= $_POST[phone-number];
// and then continnue to build your whatsapp button.