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failed to deploy Travis CI `Python`

I got the below error when tried to run the build in travis. I'm new to travis and following some websites to create the builds for Python project.

The command "coverage run -m pytest" exited with 0.
3.23s$ coverage html -d docs/report/coverage/
The command "coverage html -d docs/report/coverage/" exited with 0.
0.17s$ coveralls
1.25s$ rvm $(travis_internal_ruby) --fuzzy do ruby -S gem install dpl
invalid option "--token="
failed to deploy

Any insights will be helpful and i saw secure keyword in .travis.yml page and may i know what is it and it's use. How to generate the secure key in windows?


  • I think i found the solution for my problem.

    I forgot to mention secure in .travis.yml file.

    env: global: secure: hash value `

    I think we can directly mention the token value directly in travis repository page instead of yml file.